Monday, January 5, 2009

Wrong way holiday postcards

Just for fun and to confuse people. Directions: Print/attach to email. Send. Laugh.

More.... right here!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

The right tools for the job

The more I come across fellow mediators, the more I'm blown away by the different ways people meditate. First there's what they do with their minds. That depends mostly on tradition. I know people who are just one with their instrument, people who count their breath, people that use mantras, rocks and even actual corpses for meditation.

Like I said that depends mainly on what tradition you came into contact with, be it Zen, Tibetan, Theravada or whatever (especially that last one's good :) But the range of 'equipment' people use is even more astounding. Especially in the sense that people are very particular about their set up.

I for one, I sit in the Japanese way because I used to own a bench. To approximate that, I now use two cherished Thai block pillows to sit on and rest my knees on a cushion. And last but not least I like their to be at least a hint of the Padma Rudraksh Mysorian sandalwood incense in the air.

Some people have elaborate altars with candles and statuettes or cushioned rooms or mats or blankets or music or meditation timers they can't do without. I have the incense. Honestly I'd hate to give that up. This is incense from Mysore The incense capital of the world. (By way of Bangkok's Little India in my case).

Okay, so what if their factory is now in Bangalore. It's still hand rolled and magnificent. And for soul stirring meditation: it says so on the box. No they are not paying for this (although they should). I think I'll crack open a fresh box right now. I guess I just love to replenish my senses. Hmmmmm Sandalwoooooood...

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Haiku #5

Smoke rises the scene
Even older than these words
Seems new and absurd

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy new year, happy viewing!

Just a quick hello and all the best from Khon Kaen. (And yeah: check out my new photo stream on the right, isn't it neat?)