Monday, December 31, 2007

Now what?! (8)

Last post of 2007. Part of the most popular post-series on my blog: Now what?! That's gotta be because of the insane prizes we give away every time. And all you have to do is get your hands on the buzzer and -quiet in the audience please- be the first to tell us what brand this is....

Piece of cake. Ish. Get it? And the he answer is.... In the comments! (But you knew that, right?)

1 comment:

LageB said...

Did you just say Oreo's? Mmmm. What kind? Cho...THAT'S RIGHT! CHOCLATE OREO'S! Man that was close! That means you get it all! Everything behind door number one, two and three. Can you believe it?! The elephant dipped in strawberry sauce, the two week spartan hiking trip through the Tatra with all the trimmings and least but not least your full name in thirty eight feet high rhinestone letters! Thank you very much for watching and good night!